How We Connect Lives to Nature
Public Programs
We offer public programs throughout the year that aim to connect our community to nature, encourage outdoor recreation and promote environmental education and awareness. They include guided nature hikes, bike rides and paddle trips. We’re also happy to develop an outdoor program for your group. Are you interested in getting outside, but aren’t sure where to start? Check out our calendar, and join us outside on a program or two!
Signature Events
We host several Signature Events throughout the year that showcase our beautiful properties. Find out more about each of these events and how you can support them.
Carolina Thread Trail
Catawba Lands Conservancy is the lead agency on the Carolina Thread Trail, a regional network of trails connecting 15 counties in North and South Carolina. This regional network of trails, blueways and conservation corridors will ultimately link more than 2.3 million citizens in North and South Carolina.

Geocaching is easy. We’ve already hidden the treasures in boxes, known as caches. Now, you’ll just need to find these caches using your phone or GPS device. When you find a cache, take a memento and leave something in the cache for someone else. Also, please write something in the log book and then register your find or talk about your experience at You can also share your adventure on with Catawba Lands Conservancy on Facebook and with your FB friends, too.
We also welcome you to place your own caches along our trails! However, some of our trails are located on properties that protect sensitive habitats or imperiled species. As such, we ask that you place caches within 10-feet of the trail. Also, you need to fill out a short permit so we can ensure the geocache will not impact these important areas.
Click here to download the Geocache Permit.