We’re looking for volunteers to help plant trees on Friday, Feb. 8, 1-4 p.m. within the Little Rock community in Charlotte. Can you help?
This tree planting is sponsored by Carolina Health Care System and is part of the NeighborWoods program of TreesCharlotte. Catawba Lands Conservancy manages NeighborWoods, an effort to plant 3,500 trees annually in various neighborhoods across the city.
The planting will take place, rain or shine, at the intersection of West Boulevard and Leake Street. The goal is to plant 216 trees. Volunteers must register via email to heike@catawbalands.org, and are asked to bring work gloves and to wear long sleeve shirts, long pants, and closed toed shoes appropriate for digging.
Did you know trees are the longest living organisms on the planet? They keep our air supply clean, reduce noise pollution, improve water quality, help prevent erosion, create shade, and help make our landscapes look beautiful!
Please consider volunteering to help expand our precious tree canopy and make the Little Rock community a little more greener! To register or if you have questions, please contact Heike Biller at heike@catawbalands.org. We are grateful for your support and are counting on your help on Friday, Feb. 8! Thank you!